The Alberta Seed Processors are a network of seed and grain processing professionals focused on providing Alberta farmers, seed growers and the agriculture industry with value-added services to support the growth of the local and global agriculture economy. We are a collective of community-minded businesses, working together to offer our members group benefits, professional and business development, through membership and the power of peer networking.
To create seed and grain processing opportunities for local and global markets.
To strengthen and build upon past accomplishments in seed and grain processing and business diversification focusing on long term business sustainability.
We will achieve this through:
Association of 67 seed & grain processing plants located in all cropping areas of Alberta & the BC Peace Region.
Handle 40-45 million bushels of seed & grain :
75% of the total volume is planting seed.
Plants within Alberta are subject to Provincial Acts & Regulations, including Weed Control Act, & Agricultural Pest Control Act.
Currently, membership is open to any agricultural based co-op within a reasonable distance to Alberta to ensure membership benefits can be delivered.
Membership benefits include the following:
Monica Klaas,
General Manager
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© 2023 Alberta Seed Processors