Survey re: Fusarium Management in Alberta


Season’s Greetings to all Alberta Seed Processors Members,

RE: Stakeholder Survey to collect feedback on Fusarium Management in Alberta.

The provincial board has continued with lobby efforts to change outdated Fusarium Head Blight Regulations. Most recently, we have been involved with an ad-hoc industry working group spearheaded by the Alberta Wheat Commission that has implemented both written, as well as face to face communication tactics with the goal of updating the Agricultural Pest Control Act relating to Fusarium graminearum. Recently, Alberta Agriculture & Forestry has decided to engage directly with our members to help craft a solution for Fusarium management in the future.

As part of the engagement process, Alberta Agriculture & Forestry has created a survey to solicit feedback from stakeholders of the crop sector. The survey is looking for feedback on current issues and opportunities related to the management of Fusarium graminearum in Alberta. The information collected in this survey (link below) will help determine how best to manage Fusarium graminearum in the future, as well as help improve programs and services provided by Alberta Agriculture and Forestry.

Who Should Participate in the Survey?

EVERY board member of EVERY Seed Processing Co-op within the membership of the Association, including the plants located outside of Alberta, but process seed intended for planting within the province.

Management/staff of each seed processing facility are also encouraged to participate in the survey.

When is the survey open?

The survey will open December 18 and be open for an extended period, until January 18, 2018.

Survey Details:

The survey should take approximately 20 minutes to finish. A ‘save and return’ option is available that allows you to complete the full survey at a later date, as long as it is completed in advance of January 18, 2018.

Survey Link:

Tips to completing the survey:

  • Using a computer, the survey is best viewed using Internet Explorer
  • Using an iPhone, the survey is best viewed horizontally (i.e., phone turned sideways)

Alberta Seed Processors Position:

Supports dramatic amendments to the regulation pertaining to Fusarium graminearum including, but not solely limited to, the removal of Fusarium from the Agricultural Pest Act.

Click here for more information pertaining to our position.


Monica Klaas
General Manager