Alberta Seed Processors’ board of directors re-elect president, elect new vice-president

(Lacombe, Alberta) Feb. 13, 2019 – The Alberta Seed Processors’ provincial board of directors are pleased to announce that Hector Ouellette has been re-elected as president and Tom Coppock has been elected as the new vice-president of the organization.

Ouellette has been a part of the board of directors for 15 years in the Falher Co-operative Seed Cleaning Plant in Falher, Alberta. He has been farming near Girouxville, AB, for over 30 years and also owned a small trucking company in the oil and gas sector.

“I look forward to another year of representing this great Association,” said Ouellette. “We have a lot to do and I am eager to continue representing our 67 farmer-owned processing plants.”

Ouellette was originally elected to the board in January 2016 to represent region seven, located in Northwest Alberta, which encompasses 14 plants in the Peace Country – including two plants in B.C.

“While I have enjoyed my time in this role, this will be my last year on the provincial board as I am not planning to seek re-election,” added Ouellette. “I would like to thank our membership for supporting me, and I will strive to support our new vice-president as he learns and grows into his role on the executive.”

The Association’s new vice-president Coppock lives in Castor, AB, with his wife Wendy, and farms cattle and grain. He is also the chair of the Alliance Seed Plant in Alliance, AB.  

“I am grateful that my fellow board members have trusted me with this position,” said Coppock. “I am committed to helping make sure our Association represents our members and works towards a bright, profitable future for the industry.”

Coppock was originally elected to the board in January 2017 to represent region three, located in Southeastern Alberta. He will replace former vice-president Dan Brachman, who will continue to serve as a director for region four.

In other organizational news, the Alberta Seed Processors’ Manager’s Association has appointed Hugh Baier (Provost) and Greg Andrews (Three Hills) as representatives on the provincial board.

For more information, contact:

Monica Klaas
General Manager, Alberta Seed Processors
Phone: (403) 489-9999